St. Nazaire

Submarine Pens

attacked by Commandos from HMS Campbelltown in W.W.2.
Campbeltown  Photo 'borrowed' from internet of HMS Campbelltown rammed into outer Lock gates at entrance to Submarine Pens at St. Nazaire. Germans did not discover hidden explosives on board which later blew ship and Lock gates to pieces. OuterLock  Modern outer lockgates view from inner lockgates. InnerLock003  Inner lockgates leading to pens. pen002  Side wall of Submarine Pens a massive concrete  building which took 2 years to build, mainly slave labour.
Middle02  This, East end and next two photos cover the length of the Pens. Pen008  Centre section. Middle03  West section the amount of concrete involved was huge. Pen006  view inside a Pen.
Pen004  Again inside a Pen but looking out to the Town. Bus is about 40feet long so gives an idea of how wide a structure one Pen is. Pen007  Looking towards a double Pen on opposite side. Pen003  Looking from west end of pens towards the east. Pen001  Just a huge concrete Fortress.
Mem02  Memorial to British Service men who died taking part in the raid on St. Nazaire. Mem01  just over 200 men survived out of 600. SwingLock  We had to wait until the Boat in the photo cleared the lock before ........ Swing001  this swingbridge appeared to let us cross to the next area.
BlastDoor  Large original blast door. Sub04  A bit awkward to get a decent photo but this is the French Submarine Swordfish in a Pen. Sub02  Conning Tower of the ESPADON (Swordfish) in 1962 first French Submarine to surface at the North Pole.We did have a tour of the inside you need to be special to serve in such a Boat. Sub03  Never saw active service in a war and as we have found often as we travel around exhibits are not well presented, this one really needs a paint.
Sub01  Rear of Submarine diving planes still attached but unfortunatelythe whole thing looked shabby on the outside. Still it is a lot larger than the last one we were on in Denmark. Bridge01  We had to cross this 3km bridge over the Loire on route from the Campsite to St Nazaire. LargeShip  St Nazaire is still a busy Port where they still have a ship building industry. Dock01  All these vessels float as long as nobody lets the water out of the lockgates by accident.
Launch01  Our new mode of transport being readied for launch :-) launch06  Crane taking the strain. launch07  Up she goes. Launch004  Careful don't drop her!
Launch003  Ready to go, if you have a spare €100,000 you to can have one. mast  Now that has to be a scary job.