Dundee Memories

Kit and I found ourselves the City of our birth so had a walk down memory lane. Click the I info button to see captions.
  • Discovery1  Dundee is known as the City of Discovery since the ship of the same name was built in the local shipyard and now berthed there It took Captain Scott and his team to the Antartic.
  • 1Dan  Desperate Dan is immortalised by this figure in the centre of the City.
  • 1Church  St. Mary's church with the Steeple behind it.
  • Caird1  The Caird Hall and City Square where revellers gather on New Year's Eve to bring in the New Year.
  • 1Sam  H. Samuels, Jewelers, the white building on the corner a favourite place to meet the the latest girfriend or boyfriend for the girls, under the Clock.
  • 1Steeple  The Auld Steeple is attached to the Church and was a strong well defended tower which Cromwell's General Monk was unable to seize. He came up with a plan, promised the defenders freedom if they surrendered and laid down their arms. On leaving the Steeple they were massacred.
  • Nethergate  Continue east from the Morgan Tower and you find yourself in the Nethergate and the City centre. On the right is St. Andrews Cathedral where we were married.
  • 1Palais  These doors once led the way into the Palais de Dance one of at least 5 dancehalls in the city and one which Kit and I also frequented. It's now offices.
  • MorganTower  Known as the Morgan Tower it was one of two, the other nearer the centre of the City was demolished in the 60's when the Council replaced the area with a large concrete shopping centre which in turn has also been demolished.
  • Hawkhill  The bottom of the 'Hawkie' (The Hawkhill).On the right between the Telephone kiosk and the building in the background there used to be a large Police Box and under it Public Toilets.
  • 1HwSchool  The Hawkhill Primary School which I attended during the second World War, still there but now re-named.
  • 2Temple  The new Temple Lane. Kit's School, St. John's also demolished was only a few minutes walk.
  • TempleRow  Temple Lane where Kit lived for a time with her Uncle and Aunt. The older buildings knocked down and a new Temple Lane appeared.
  • Black194  I lived for a number of years with my parents in the first floor flat above the now Post Office.The Post Office was once an Icecream shop ran by an Italian called Joe Soave.
  • 1Rosie  Opposite our flat was the 'Rosie' Public House. Friday and Saturday nights entertainment before TV was watching the inebriated stagger from the pub at 9.30pm and the resultant 'dramas' played out.
  • 1Cott  Kit and I bought the above 200yr old cottage in Seafield Road and renovated it prior to getting married.
  • 2Cott  Rear of said cottage which cost us £2.00 old money per week to the Bank and which on a number of occasions we were unable to pay and got a very stern letter from the Bank Manager.
  • 1Seafield  Seafield Road where our cottage still stands.